13.novembra 2021.godine u Budimpešti će se održati kvalifikacioni turnir za učešće na PDC William Hill World Darts Championship 2022 za igrače Istočne evrope. Sve detalje, način prijave i ostale važne informacije naćićete u originalnom tekstu ispod.

Event by PDC Hungarian Fan Club
Novotel Budapest City
PDC Europe will stage four European qualifiers for the 2021/22 William Hill World Darts Championship and the 2021 Unicorn World Youth Championship in November.
The William Hill World Darts Championship will take place from December 15 2021 to January 3 2022 at the iconic Alexandra Palace in London, while the Unicorn World Youth Championship will be played on November 28 2021 as part of the Ladbrokes Players Championship Finals weekend at the Butlin`s Minehead Resort.
For all qualifiers (West Europe, East Europe, South West Europe and South East Europe) the entry fee is €100 for the World Championship Qualifier and €25 for the World Youth Championship Qualifier. Only players aged 16 and above and 23 or under (23 as at January 4 2021) are eligible to take part in the World Youth Championship qualifiers. The entry fee has to be paid in cash at the venue.
The format of play for the World Championship Qualifiers is 501 straight start, double finish over best of 11 legs. In the World Youth Championship Qualifiers, games will be played over the best of seven legs.
East Europe Qualifiers
Eligible nations: Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Romania, Albania, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, Kosovo, Macedonia
Eligible nations: Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Romania, Albania, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, Kosovo, Macedonia
November 13: World Championship Qualifier & World Youth Championship Qualifier
Venue: Novotel Budapest City, Alkotas utca 63-67, 1123 Budapest, Hungary
Registrations to: Gabi Brock (gabi.brock@pdc-europe.tv)
Registration deadline: November 10, 1600 CET
Please note that registrations will only be accepted by contacting the relevant email addresses above.
A valid passport is required for entry to all qualifiers, and all players are advised to check that they would also be able to travel to the UK to compete in the relevant event, should they qualify.